What is Trumpism?
I saw an article the other day and it had said something to the effect of Trumpism is here to stay. I wanted to look a little deeper into what would be considered Trumpism, I have a pretty good idea what those on the left would consider it to be but I had to see what they had to say for myself. As I typed "What is Trumpism" into my search bar and I was actually taken aback by the vile hatred the so called "educated" writers, whom have written dozens upon dozens of articles, blogs, and various wikipedia entries; had for not only Donald Trump but for anyone who supported him in any capacity. The terms used like "cult, fascist, white supremacist, and, isolationist" were a few I read. While one writer called Trump supporters "willfully ignorant traditionalists", then continues on through the entire article in such a condescending manner, certain to let you know that all who oppose the ideas of trump are most certainly intellectually superior to those who fly Trump flags but they are also morally superior to them as well. The take away for me is this, they have the attitude the world would be a better place if the people who disagree with them no longer existed.
Somehow, over time these folks have been led to believe that taking care of Americans first is a bad and evil thing. Standing up to other nations and expecting them to pay their fair share of things like NATO, WHO, etc... is a bad thing. The idea that we should be looking out for American interest when entering into trade deals is a bad thing. Personally do I like Donald Trump not really, he is a little too brash and unprofessional most of the time for me. However, when I think of the type of person I want working on behalf of me and my fellow Americans, (yes I do include those who disagree with me), I want a fighter. I want an individual who doesn’t give in, doesn’t like losing, and wants our country to be the shining example of how to make the best life for each of its citizens. Is it perfect here? of course not and it never will be and anybody who believes otherwise is a fool.
Trump is imperfect and very flawed, that is part of the appeal he has with his supporters. He comes across as genuine and real. The typical politician spends the entirety of the time trying to portray their perfection, much like these educated, holier than tho, morally superior types who have spent countless hours trying to be something they are not either to get a job, get selected to a certain school, to kiss up to the boss in hopes of a promotion, etc... They have built their lives on lies and when such a high profile person don’t hold back, is truthful, and blunt in their honesty it is perceived as a threat to them. I believe the truth is simply this, a vast majority of Americans want great things for our country, however some of the people on both sides are misguided in their intentions. Those on the far left have been led to believe the country we live in has become an unredeemable place of racism, one that is against women, gays, and any other term that can be thrown around. They believe that old rich white men are the biggest problem in America but the person they have slated for the white house is none other than an old rich white man. The hypocrisy that is on display is truly staggering. There are those to the extreme on the right
I have always believed the best way to be considered an equal to others is when you are not treated differently. You are considered and equal when there are special rules or circumstances made for you. We can make better futures by finding ways to give people more opportunities to find success, with less interference from bureaucracies and red tape from governments. Diminish and reduce the hurdles that have to be jumped through to move up the economic ladder. Lives are better when government gets out of the way. All this is what Trump policies mean for them. A light at the end of the tunnel, and hope for a better future for themselves and generations to follow.