Faith: A Way Forward
So as I spent some time here and there throughout the day typing these thoughts I had on faith, how it affects us or how the lack of it affects us also. I would write for a little while and take a break. For myself, faith is easy to define but hard for me to describe. It is one of those intangibles that can have many different meanings to various people. So this is my way of shedding a little light on the idea of faith, and hopefully, I can give someone a better chance at a way forward.
I believe we all need faith in something; we all need something to believe in. Without this something, the world is a callous and gloomy place, in which I feel far too many of us reside. We reside here not by choice, because seriously, who would choose such a bleak existence? The answer is simply no one. How can we help those in our days find more hope and faith that tomorrow can be better than today? This is my goal for this writing. To hopefully give one person a different outlook on what their days can be made of.
You may be asking yourself why I would be writing on this topic. It is because this is a struggle I have endured most of my life. My faith and the hope for a better tomorrow keep driving me forward. These two things combined with my belief that there is a purpose for my existence, even though I don't feel I have found that purpose. While I believe there is a purpose for my existence, and I have faith in the idea, as long as I keep pushing forward, my purpose will be revealed. I oftentimes lose sight of this and get discouraged to a point I have to refocus on the belief there is a reason I am on this earth. Depending on how far removed from my faith I get, it may take a couple of weeks to get back to my work or take months to get back. However, I always get back because of the faith I have in my purpose. So with this hands-on experience, I feel I can maybe give some insight into why I feel it is important to develop a strong foundation of faith, hope, and belief in purpose.
In my experience, whenever we begin to discuss the topic of faith or the usage of the word faith, it often will elude to religious overtones. While faith is an integral part of religion, faith can also play a vital role in those who are not devout Christians or even to say those who are not overtly religious. Faith can be more than a cornerstone of religion; faith has a role in day to day life outside of the church. Faith's general definition is defined as having confidence or trust in a person, thing, concept, or idea. The definition of religion is the belief in God, the doctrines or teachings of religion. Even though the definition has been broken into a generalized one and one of the religious terms, I feel they are both the same. Confidence and trust are also carried into the religious definition because it is more than just a belief in God. It is the confidence and trust placed in God that creates a person's faith in Him. So when I view faith, it is an integral part of the way forward. I also believe that everyone needs to develop a level of faith and an optimistic hope for their life to find fulfillment in their days.
This writing discusses my view of faith and how we can use it to keep ourselves moving forward even when the world may tell us to give up. It would seem most times the world is in a constant mode of telling us to give up on our dreams, to stop being foolish, and to keep your head down and exist. I can also promise you I have far more voices telling me to forget these crazy ideas about what I want my days to be filled with than I have ones telling me never to stop chasing the life I was meant to live. I have always been susceptible to the opinions of others. Enduring failure is brutal to my confidence but what I have always found keeps me moving on to the next day is the faith or belief that no matter what happens today, tomorrow is a new day, and there is a reason for my existence. There is purpose in me being on this earth; It is an opportunity to improve on what yesterday was or wasn't, and I continue onward with my faith because without it giving up would be far too easy.
Where My Writing Began
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I wrote a piece a few weeks ago titled “The Authentic Self” in which I described my feelings towards being more authentic and listed how i thought this could be possible. I had listed somethings I felt each day of the week needed or should i say topics that would bring more authenticity if thoughts around these topics were shared more often. I have been working on this for myself to share with anybody willing to read. So with a writing calendar taking shape for the various topics, I found today to be as good as any to start. So I think Sunday is a great day to share a story about yourself, or really anything about yourself for that matter. I will hashtag this theme “sharesunday” I picked Sunday as the day of the week to share for various reasons but because for a majority it s already a day of sharing and building community with others. So it seemed like a good fit. So here is my story to share.
If I had to point to one segment of time to say “This is where I first found enjoyment in writing.”, it would be in high school English. I found my enjoyment not because I found sentence structure fascinating or things like nouns, prepositional phrases, and adverbs so very intriguing. It was simple, I had found my voice. My teacher was willing to give me some space to find my way. She would help introduce me to a broader vocabulary and compel me to improve upon the words in which I used. Although, I wrote essays and term papers (which I always put off to the last minute) it was the free-writing I had that released me from non-expression of my thoughts and ideas. I had found a way to express myself far better than i ever could have with the spoken word. My journal was the space i could express my hopes and fears, my successes and failures without the judgment of society. I found a blank page could be transformed into any type of space I chose. A far off galaxy or a how to manual for putting up a book shelf. I could use my words to tell someone’s story, i could research and find truth and share that truth if i so desired. I could build worlds with my words, and i loved it.
Still to this day I am not a verbal person, I don’t engage in small talk or chit-chat very well, I become very anxious in social settings, and my circle is very small. However, I share many different aspects of who i am through the various articles and posts i write, to the podcast i recently started recording. So this is the when and why writing is a big part of me. Have a great day! #sharesunday
Thanksgiving 2020
Thanksgiving 2020 will be different in many ways, especially dependent of the state in which you live, this year. I am not gonna go into those details, I just want to ask of you a small favor. This year while you spend time with family and friends this holiday season, will you take a moment to remember those who can’t be together. Those who have loved ones who left this earth too soon, those separated from family due to governmental restrictions on gatherings, and those whose work has them on the road. Our first responders who continue their work as they would any other day. Our LEOs, firefighters, EMS, Doctors, nurses, and the many support staff they have to serve their communities.
I would ask for you to take a few minutes especially for those who serve our country overseas. The husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and our friends. Those who have given of themselves to ensure we have the freedom to celebrate our holidays. Lest not forget many of them are in some desert, working their jobs, many of which are pulling 24 hour shifts, patrols, and continuing with their work like any other day. They miss home and miss family but they continue their work tirelessly without complaint. Happy thanksgiving may you and your family have many blessings.
Wellness Wednesday
Today for Wellness Wednesday I want to discuss what are some things have helped to maintain wellness in our day to day lives. Honestly, 2020 hasn’t been the best year to make improvements to our well-being. Through shutdowns, unemployment, reduced wages, virus fears, kids out of school, distance learning, TP shortages, and too much junk food; 2020 has been a tough year to navigate. This year has also been harder on some more than others. Some have lost loved ones, some have lost jobs and others have lost businesses. Kids missing the benefits of in person education; seeing failure rates in some areas increase by 110% and also seeing mental health in decline. Witnessing increased depression rates, suicide rates, crime, domestic violence. These unintended side effects of lockdowns and closures. Social distancing creates fear, masks create fear and dehumanizes people. So my question is this, what are some things you have found to create more wellness in you and your families lives?
Something I have tried to do to uphold my mental wellbeing is, in part, what you are reading here today. I have tried to utilize my writing as a way to feel productive and that I am contributing something to society. I think it is hard to feel connected to the larger part of our communities and society because of the convenience of technology. We find it easy to send a text and continue on with our day but how many times does the recipient feel like they are a burden or an inconvenience that only deserves a quick text message. While this is not the intent it can be the perception. I, personally have been trying to engage more with people while it may be though social media, trying to give meaningful engagement to those on my friends list is my goal. I do it in the hopes it may make a day a bit better or a bit brighter.
There are times I have trouble staying motivated which is a tough place to be. Whether it is because I get impatient with the process or because I have a failure or setback, I will lose my way. Many times it will take weeks to regain the mentality I need to continue on with my journey. I don’t fail well but I am getting better at it. Not saying is becoming more enjoyable because it isn’t. What I am saying is my failures are becoming a tool for learning, learning what works for me and what doesn’t. I have to constantly remind myself that we learn the most when things go wrong and not when things go perfectly to plan.
I hope today brings a new sense of purpose for you, maybe a new perception on what it is we can do each day to make this day a little better than the last. Stay well my friends and have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We will be releasing our second episode of The Elk Weekender podcast on Friday, November 27, 2020. I hope you can tune in as we discuss all things American.
What is Trumpism?
I saw an article the other day and it had said something to the effect of Trumpism is here to stay. I wanted to look a little deeper into what would be considered Trumpism, I have a pretty good idea what those on the left would consider it to be but I had to see what they had to say for myself. As I typed "What is Trumpism" into my search bar and I was actually taken aback by the vile hatred the so called "educated" writers, whom have written dozens upon dozens of articles, blogs, and various wikipedia entries; had for not only Donald Trump but for anyone who supported him in any capacity. The terms used like "cult, fascist, white supremacist, and, isolationist" were a few I read. While one writer called Trump supporters "willfully ignorant traditionalists", then continues on through the entire article in such a condescending manner, certain to let you know that all who oppose the ideas of trump are most certainly intellectually superior to those who fly Trump flags but they are also morally superior to them as well. The take away for me is this, they have the attitude the world would be a better place if the people who disagree with them no longer existed.
Somehow, over time these folks have been led to believe that taking care of Americans first is a bad and evil thing. Standing up to other nations and expecting them to pay their fair share of things like NATO, WHO, etc... is a bad thing. The idea that we should be looking out for American interest when entering into trade deals is a bad thing. Personally do I like Donald Trump not really, he is a little too brash and unprofessional most of the time for me. However, when I think of the type of person I want working on behalf of me and my fellow Americans, (yes I do include those who disagree with me), I want a fighter. I want an individual who doesn’t give in, doesn’t like losing, and wants our country to be the shining example of how to make the best life for each of its citizens. Is it perfect here? of course not and it never will be and anybody who believes otherwise is a fool.
Trump is imperfect and very flawed, that is part of the appeal he has with his supporters. He comes across as genuine and real. The typical politician spends the entirety of the time trying to portray their perfection, much like these educated, holier than tho, morally superior types who have spent countless hours trying to be something they are not either to get a job, get selected to a certain school, to kiss up to the boss in hopes of a promotion, etc... They have built their lives on lies and when such a high profile person don’t hold back, is truthful, and blunt in their honesty it is perceived as a threat to them. I believe the truth is simply this, a vast majority of Americans want great things for our country, however some of the people on both sides are misguided in their intentions. Those on the far left have been led to believe the country we live in has become an unredeemable place of racism, one that is against women, gays, and any other term that can be thrown around. They believe that old rich white men are the biggest problem in America but the person they have slated for the white house is none other than an old rich white man. The hypocrisy that is on display is truly staggering. There are those to the extreme on the right
I have always believed the best way to be considered an equal to others is when you are not treated differently. You are considered and equal when there are special rules or circumstances made for you. We can make better futures by finding ways to give people more opportunities to find success, with less interference from bureaucracies and red tape from governments. Diminish and reduce the hurdles that have to be jumped through to move up the economic ladder. Lives are better when government gets out of the way. All this is what Trump policies mean for them. A light at the end of the tunnel, and hope for a better future for themselves and generations to follow.
The Hammer and Scorecard Part 4: Glitches or Fraud?
Due to irregularities in various states, allegations of fraud, observers not being allowed to witness vote counting, allegations of mystery ballots arriving in the middle of the night which all favored one candidate; it only makes sense to audit these different locations. In the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada such allegations have been made and vote majorities between the two candidates are very small. Georgia will be performing a recount of votes by hand. Arizona recount will only happen if margin of victory is less than or equal to 0.1%. Michigan could see a recount if it is requested by the Trump camp. Nevada might see a recount if requested by Team Trump. Among requesting recounts, there are various legal suits filed in some states questioning the legality of votes cast, which makes sense for the allegations mentioned earlier.
In Michigan a software “glitch” was to blame for 6,000 votes being cast for Biden, when they should have gone to Trump. The official excuse was that a software update wasn’t performed and once it was completed the machines worked as they should. In my experience delaying a software update does not keep the software from working as designed. I believe blaming a software update for vote switching sounds like a lie. It was programmed to switch votes and they were caught. My question then becomes this, how many other “glitches” occurred that were not identified or caught? When we take into consideration Dominion has approximately 80% of the voting machine market in the US. For some context, 6,000 votes is 3% of 200,000 votes. In a previous write up we learned that The Hammer and Scorecard were designed to change 3% of votes to go undetected.
There is an estimated 42% of the population that voted in the 2020 election. This total will be used to estimate the following examples.
There are 67 counties in Pennsylvania, of them 26 are located in the 5 major areas in Pennsylvania that make up the majority of the electorate for the state. These five areas are referred to as CSA (Combined Statistical Area) or MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area).
These five areas total a whopping 70.63% of the population in the State of Pennsylvania this is 9,042,044 people. The number of probable voters equals 3,797,658. 50% of this number for one candidate equals 1,898,829 and 3% of these votes that could changes without detection equals 56,965 total votes given to one candidate with 56,965 taken from the other. A total change of 113,930 change.
The Philadelphia CSA which includes the following counties: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia in 2018 made up 37.29% of Pennsylvania’s population equaling 4,773,861 people and 2,005,022 voters . If there were a 3% glitch it would equal a 60,150 vote swing.
The Pittsburgh CSA includes Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland counties. This CSA makes up 18.03% of the population equaling 2,308,198 people with 969,443 voters, a 3% “glitch” equals 29,083 vote swing.
The Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton MSA consists of Carbon, Lehigh, and Northampton counties and accounts for 6.54% of the population totaling 837,250 individuals and 351,645 voters. Injecting a 3% “glitch” equals a 10,549 vote swing.
The Harrisburg CSA is made of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties. This CSA makes up 4.46% of PA population, for a total of 570,968 people with 239,806 voters, insert the 3% “glitch” total vote swing is 7,194.
The Scranto-Wiles-Barre MSA includes Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wyoming counties. The MSA has 4.31% of the PA population equalling 551,765 people and 231,741 voters, amounting for a 3% “glitch” 6,952 vote swing.
The current US population is 331,679,824 with approximately 42% voting this election cycle. Then voters number in at 139,305,526. If a voting hack was possible to implement in every precinct a 3% vote swing would equal an amazing 4,179,165 votes. It would take far less than this if applied in the right areas to completely change the outcome of an election.
While these are hypothetical scenarios it is easy to see how a small number of irregularities in the right precincts could have a big effect on who wins and who loses. Many have claimed the Hammer and Scorecard have been used to sway foreign elections, there is no reason to believe that this technology would not be used in our own elections to determine the outcome. We all know power corrupts people, the more power they gain, the more corrupt they become. Stay vigilant, our rights come from our creator and cannot be determined by a government created by man. Government gets its power from the people and from time to time those in government need to be reminded who they serve.
The Hammer and Scorecard Part 3: Coincidence or Not?
In the previous article the discussion of how the Hammer and Scorecard software could be used in conjunction to effect the outcome of an election. What was originally designed to be used in foreign countries to spy on terrorist or governments not friendly to us, to interfere with their elections to put someone in power there who would be more favorable to the wishes of the US, is completely plausible. I believe there are people within our government who have such a hunger for power and control, coupled with a win at all cost mentality, it is very likely they would turn this technology against the American people to gain the outcome they want.
In this article we will build a timeline of events beginning in the early to mid 2000s and continue trough to the present. We will discuss the company know as Dominion and the role they play in our elections. When too many coincidences revolve around a singular event, they are no longer coincidence but a plot or a plan.
Upcoming software developer and designer Dennis L. Montgomery partners with Warren G. Trepp creating eTreppid Technologies in 1998. It was at this time he had developed software for noise filtering and video compression to enhance the quality of video. The targeted buyers for this type of software was the casinos in Las Vegas and New Jersey. Casinos need the very best in video surveillance to keep those in their operation honest and to catch any would be cheaters.
In 2004, eTreppid was awarded a $30 million government contract with the United States Special Operations Command to develop software to be used to track terrorist activity.
In 2006, after a dispute between Montgomery and Trepp over software ownership, Montgomery parted ways and started a new company named OpSpring with Billionaires Edra and Tim Blixseth. OpSpring was later named Blxware.
From 2006 to 2009, Montgomery designed and perfects what would become known as Hammer and Scorecard.
In 2009 after Edra and Tim divorced, Blxware became sole property of Edra and was liquidated, including all software and intellectual property. Through hours of research there has been no company or individual associated with the purchase, merger, or acquisition of Blxware. However, Dennis Montgomery has stated that the Hammer was seized by the Federal Government, specifically the DNI and Director of the CIA, Dennis Blair and Leon Panetta respectively.
January 20, 2009 President Barak Obama was sworn into office as the 44th President of the United States.
In 2010 a Canadian company was buying up election system companies in the US. Dominion Votings Systems is that company. As of 2019 Dominion had voting machines in approximately 2,000 jurisdictions in 30 states in the US alone. This makes up over 80% of of all voting machines in the country and in 2019, the state of Georgia selected Domino systems for its statewide voting system.
A list of states the system is used in:
New Mexico
North Carolina
New York
New Jersey
New Hampshire
What becomes apparent is the system is used In primarily blue states and this years election, they were used every state that has been contested, has had irregularities, and similar voting problems: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Coincidence? You decide.
In Part 4 we will go into what irregularities have been reported, which states have legal suits pending, and some scenarios of how the President & Vice President could be chosen if no candidate ends up with the needed 270 electoral votes.
The Hammer and Scorecard: Part 2: The Maker and The Use
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Let's start with a recap from part 1 of this series. In the previous article software designer Dennis Montgomery worked with multiple government agencies including the CIA, DOD, DHS, NSA, and FBI developing software to protect the homeland in the mid 2000s. His work designed and built what is known as Hammer. It is a robust computer program ran by a supercomputer that has the ability penetrate protected networks without detection. Networks such as voting machines would be considered "protected networks". It was designed to be a foreign surveillance tool and was never intended to be used on the American people.
In 2015 leaked information from some 47 hard drives, which would become known as the "Whistleblower Tapes", reveled startling evidence that this software was in fact used to spy on American citizens. The Us government has done its due diligence to ruin the reputation of Montgomery claiming him to be a "fraud" and a "con man". Meanwhile, in 2009 when the sole owner of Blxware, this is the company where Montgomery perfected the Hammer system, Edra Blixseth liquidated all personal assets. The liquidation of Blxware included all software and intellectual property. After many hours of research it has not been determined who or what entity purchased Blxware but Montgomery says it was "commandeered and repurposed" by John Brennan (CIA) and James Clapper (DNI). President Barak Obama took office on January 20, 2009.
Now that we have an understanding of Hammer and what it's purpose is, let's look at another computer program called "Scorecard". This program was designed to work in conjunction with Hammer to change vote tallies in real time. Since Hammer was designed to be used in foreign environments, one can conclude, the use of Scorecard would be to influence foreign elections to favor the US. Scorecard does its work during the data transfer of vote totals to reporting centers. It was designed to change approximately 3% of the vote to not raise suspicion and to go undetected. One can see how such a small discrepancy from one polling place would easily go unnoticed, but an unnoticed change of 3% from thousands of polling places would completely change the outcome of an election.
Let's take a look at one anomaly that happened during the 2020 election that raise questions about the security of our elections. In an article published by outlining the Governors race in Kentucky between (D)Andy Beshear and (R)Matt Bevin. A video clip from CNN’s coverage of the election, the clip makes a strong case that Hammer & Scorecard were being used in this election. While watching the video in real time you don’t notice anything out of place. However, when the clip is slowed and viewed frame by frame you can see where Beshear has a 560 vote increase and simultaneously Bevin has a decrease of 560 votes. It raises questions as to the integrity of our systems and if they have been breached by those who believe they must win at all costs.
In part 3 of the series we will discuss further anomalies and “glitches” that have occurred during this election cycle and dive into some theories and possible ways this election could have been manipulated to favor one candidate.
The Hammer and Scorecard Part 1: How It Began
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The Hammer is a supercomputer that was designed by Dennis Montgomery, to penetrate foreign networks in search of information to terrorist attacks and to help track known terrorists. It has the ability to intercept, capture, and store any and all information sent or recieved on the network. While it was designed with safeguards to prevent its use on the American public through multiple sign-offs, these safeguards are not 100% effective.
Lt. Gen. McInerney is a retired Air Force Lt. Gen. who served under the Secretary of Defense & Vice President. Began military career in 1959 after graduating w/ a BS from the US Military Academy and a Masters from George Washington University. He entered as a commissioned officer (second lieutenant) in the US Army and later joined the Air Force. During the 70’s he participated in numerous study groups focusing on the Middle East.
Dennis L Montgomery is an American software designer who developed computer programs for the federal government. In 1998 Montgomery co-founded eTreppid Technologies with Warren Trepp to develop video compression and noise filtering software for the casino industry. In 2004 eTreppid won contract with the DOD to use this technology to track terrorist activities this technology would become known as HAMMER. However, in 2006 there was a dispute over software ownership and Montgomery separated from eTreppid and formed a new company OpSpring, later renamed Blxware.
McInerney & Montgomery have both stated The Hammer was used to spy on the American people, which was exposed and confirmed by a Wikileaks data dump labeled “CIA Vault 7” on March 7, 2017
In 2008 Blxware owners Edra & Tim Blixseth divorced and Edra was left with Blxware as her sole property. In 2009 Edra filed for personal bankruptcy that resulted in chapter 7 liquidation of her personal assets. Blxware was part of this liquidation, including all software and intellectual property.
During this time the US Government has labeled Montgomery a "con-man" saying Motgomery had falsified results to make it appear his software worked. According to during litigation between the US and Montgomery intelligence officals made the case that the use of Montgomery's software were a "state secret" and couold not be diclosd in court due to the possibility of causing great harm to the US if it were. So after destrying his reputation, the government spent 3 days "scrubbing" Montgomery's lawyer home computers to erase any and all references to the technology.
According to, it is “a site created by and maintained by former Blxware employees who wanted the truth about Blxware owner Edra Blixseth, her US government contracts, and Blxware’s work in illegal FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs to be exposed to the public.” On their site they lay out who the architechs of the domestic surveilance program were.
FBI Director Robert Muller (Sept 4, 2001 - Sept 4, 2013). He supplied computers for a "parrallel platform domestic surveilance syaytem."
CIA Director John Brennan (March 8, 2013 - Jan 20, 2017) He "converted US foreign cyber surveilance system into domestic cyber surveilance system tageting Americans and their businesses without probable cause, Feb 2009."
National Inteligence Director James Clapper (Aug 9, 2010 - Jan 20, 2017). He "supersized Brennan's domestic cyber surveilance system and provided a secure location to operate, Feb 2009." This facility is at Ft. Washington, MD.
On their site theey also outline the people, businesses, and organizations that were targeted in surveilance.
I am not one who believes in coincedence so when i see Blxware liquidated in 2009 and these domestic surveilance programs begin in the same year, one can only conclude that the US Government took control of these assests.
The concept of the fusion center came about after the 9/11 attacks as a way to share information among different agencies to better distrubute inteligence on possible terror plots. In a recent report a review covering a 13 month span of Fusion Reports found no examples of a single fusion center uncovering a terrorist threat. Also the commitee critized the use of reporting quotas as a leading factor in the high rate of useless information being reported by the centers. One example was the Mongols MC had distributed leaflets to its members describing how they should behave when stopped by police. the reporrt also highlighted out of 386 reports filed nearly 300 had absolutely no ties to terrorists, terrorist activity, or terrorism threats. At the time it was estimated approxamatly $1.4 billion had been spent on the fusion center. It has been the centers who have labeled Tea Party groups, 2nd Amendment groups, Ron Paul supporters,anti-death penalty supporteers, anti-war activists, Muslim lobbiysts, both pro and anti Abortion activists, and environmental activists as extermists. While the Department of Homeland Security has labeled half of the political views in US as right wing extremeists. There are currently 79 fusion centers operating in th US.
The follow up to this article will take on the additional usage of a program called “Scorecard” that was used in conjuction with Hammer to sway the results of not only the 2020 election but was also used in the 2012 & 2016 elections as well.
What is Trapwire?
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What is Trapwire? Trapwire is described on their website as this: “TrapWire enables clients to protect their people, facilities and assets in a highly innovative and effective manner. Put succinctly, our technologies enable you to detect threats in the planning stages, thereby giving you a significant advantage over the groups and individuals targeting you. First deployed in 2006, TrapWire’s threat intelligence system is now used by federal, state and local law enforcement; the US military; schools and other educational institutions; and private sector security organizations at thousands of locations in the US and abroad. These organizations have successfully leveraged TrapWire in multiple roles, from tracking criminal organizations to interdicting human and narcotics trafficking; from counterterrorism to counterintelligence; from border security to protecting critical infrastructure.”
In essence it is a software program used to monitor and surveil very large groups of people simultaneously. If there was ever a technology a surveillance state would want it would be this. Although it is advertised as a means to maintain security for property, business, and schools. It is easy to see the intended market application is for the military, government, law enforcement agencies, and private security firms.
Trapwire states on its website this is "surveillance detection extends beyond counter-terrorism." Also, a little deeper down, a statement reads; " Cyber Attacks and Social Engineering: Hackers Target People not Just Systems." This is quite an intriguing statement to lump cyber attacks in with social engineering, The definition of social engineering from is this, for information security it is "the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes." While it is generally defined as "The use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society."
The use of the same terminology in two seemingly different ways but are they really. Social engineering by central planning, which is done by the government, to manage social change and regulate the behavior of society. Now why cant the government or big tech companies utilize and perpetrate social engineering upon the citizenry by using deception to manipulate individuals to divulge confidential information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. It seems they are one and the same. One is done physically through the education systems, large corporations code of conduct policies and the like, and propaganda by the MSM. While quite possibly the personal information individuals give out on the internet could be gained out of the deception by tech companies and reasonably by government entities, falsely stating the users privacy and security of their data as being a top priority, when in truth it is not.
Seek truth, question everything.
Quotes sourced from and