The Hammer and Scorecard Part 1: How It Began
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The Hammer is a supercomputer that was designed by Dennis Montgomery, to penetrate foreign networks in search of information to terrorist attacks and to help track known terrorists. It has the ability to intercept, capture, and store any and all information sent or recieved on the network. While it was designed with safeguards to prevent its use on the American public through multiple sign-offs, these safeguards are not 100% effective.
Lt. Gen. McInerney is a retired Air Force Lt. Gen. who served under the Secretary of Defense & Vice President. Began military career in 1959 after graduating w/ a BS from the US Military Academy and a Masters from George Washington University. He entered as a commissioned officer (second lieutenant) in the US Army and later joined the Air Force. During the 70’s he participated in numerous study groups focusing on the Middle East.
Dennis L Montgomery is an American software designer who developed computer programs for the federal government. In 1998 Montgomery co-founded eTreppid Technologies with Warren Trepp to develop video compression and noise filtering software for the casino industry. In 2004 eTreppid won contract with the DOD to use this technology to track terrorist activities this technology would become known as HAMMER. However, in 2006 there was a dispute over software ownership and Montgomery separated from eTreppid and formed a new company OpSpring, later renamed Blxware.
McInerney & Montgomery have both stated The Hammer was used to spy on the American people, which was exposed and confirmed by a Wikileaks data dump labeled “CIA Vault 7” on March 7, 2017
In 2008 Blxware owners Edra & Tim Blixseth divorced and Edra was left with Blxware as her sole property. In 2009 Edra filed for personal bankruptcy that resulted in chapter 7 liquidation of her personal assets. Blxware was part of this liquidation, including all software and intellectual property.
During this time the US Government has labeled Montgomery a "con-man" saying Motgomery had falsified results to make it appear his software worked. According to during litigation between the US and Montgomery intelligence officals made the case that the use of Montgomery's software were a "state secret" and couold not be diclosd in court due to the possibility of causing great harm to the US if it were. So after destrying his reputation, the government spent 3 days "scrubbing" Montgomery's lawyer home computers to erase any and all references to the technology.
According to, it is “a site created by and maintained by former Blxware employees who wanted the truth about Blxware owner Edra Blixseth, her US government contracts, and Blxware’s work in illegal FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs to be exposed to the public.” On their site they lay out who the architechs of the domestic surveilance program were.
FBI Director Robert Muller (Sept 4, 2001 - Sept 4, 2013). He supplied computers for a "parrallel platform domestic surveilance syaytem."
CIA Director John Brennan (March 8, 2013 - Jan 20, 2017) He "converted US foreign cyber surveilance system into domestic cyber surveilance system tageting Americans and their businesses without probable cause, Feb 2009."
National Inteligence Director James Clapper (Aug 9, 2010 - Jan 20, 2017). He "supersized Brennan's domestic cyber surveilance system and provided a secure location to operate, Feb 2009." This facility is at Ft. Washington, MD.
On their site theey also outline the people, businesses, and organizations that were targeted in surveilance.
I am not one who believes in coincedence so when i see Blxware liquidated in 2009 and these domestic surveilance programs begin in the same year, one can only conclude that the US Government took control of these assests.
The concept of the fusion center came about after the 9/11 attacks as a way to share information among different agencies to better distrubute inteligence on possible terror plots. In a recent report a review covering a 13 month span of Fusion Reports found no examples of a single fusion center uncovering a terrorist threat. Also the commitee critized the use of reporting quotas as a leading factor in the high rate of useless information being reported by the centers. One example was the Mongols MC had distributed leaflets to its members describing how they should behave when stopped by police. the reporrt also highlighted out of 386 reports filed nearly 300 had absolutely no ties to terrorists, terrorist activity, or terrorism threats. At the time it was estimated approxamatly $1.4 billion had been spent on the fusion center. It has been the centers who have labeled Tea Party groups, 2nd Amendment groups, Ron Paul supporters,anti-death penalty supporteers, anti-war activists, Muslim lobbiysts, both pro and anti Abortion activists, and environmental activists as extermists. While the Department of Homeland Security has labeled half of the political views in US as right wing extremeists. There are currently 79 fusion centers operating in th US.
The follow up to this article will take on the additional usage of a program called “Scorecard” that was used in conjuction with Hammer to sway the results of not only the 2020 election but was also used in the 2012 & 2016 elections as well.